Roleystone Wool Spinning Meet-ups 2024

Roleystone Wool Spinning Meet-ups 2024

Arts & Crafts
2nd Saturday of each month (excluding January) Between 13/04/2024 - 14/12/2024
Times : 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Organiser Name: Rebecca Shelton
Room: Large Activity Room A1

Meet-ups - 2nd Saturday of each month at Roleystone Family Centre - 19 Wygonda Rd, Roleystone.

BYO Everything Wool spinners who need/want others to help inspire their craft.
An excuse to catch up with like minded people and actually get some spinning done.
Open to all levels from beginners to pro's!

An airconditioned room with great lighting in the beautiful hills.
Tea & Coffee available and an IGA 3 minutes walk away, or bring along some nourishment to share.
Cost at this stage is $10.00 per gathering to cover room hire.

The spinners have a private Facebook group you can join to get inspiration or details of off site meet ups CLICK HERE

As a not for profit, we rely on minimum numbers for classes/courses. Brownie Points If you share this event with your friends. Group bookings most welcome and thank you to the Community for your support.

'Bringing a Friend/s - You'll need to Register.Already Registered?
Ticket Just For Me
Roleystone Wool Spinning Meet-ups - $10.00 per person 14/12/2024 : 10:30am to 3:30pm Tickets Left: -4